Service of Induction – Revd Elisabeth Stenhouse

Our new minister, Revd Lis Stenhouse will be inducted at a service in Aberlady Church at 7pm on Monday 27th November 2023.
In addition to members of the congregations in Aberlady and Gullane, and Cleish and Fossoway where she served as minister for 10 years, representatives from Lothian and Borders Presbytery will also be in attendance on the night.

Lis was overwhelmingly endorsed by the congregation after taking a joint service in Aberlady on 22nd October. She will start her new ministry in Aberlady and Gullane at the beginning of December, and will take her first services of morning worship at 0945am on Sunday 10th December in Gullane, followed by a service that morning at 1115am in Aberlady Church.