Entries by agpcmin

General Assembly with a difference

Have a look at the video clip to see highlights of the installation of Dr Martin Fair as the new Moderator of the Kirk and of some of the online Heart and Soul celebrations, including music and interviews.

Guild Tea Party during Lockdown

TEA-PARTY.☕️??? The Elders were meant to be hosting a Strawberry Tea for the Guild on Sunday 10th May at Elspeth’s house near the Church. Sadly that had to be cancelled, so instead Dorothy had the great idea for us to arrange a ‘virtual tea party’. Each Guild Member was given a ‘goodie bag’ with two […]

God’s Wonderful World

When Dorothy and I took our daily exercise on Sunday 10th I remembered, for once, to take my mobile phone / camera. Earlier, I shared a Zoom Meeting with Gullane Sunday Club, when the children showed photos they had taken of God’s wonderful world. Here, belatedly, is my offering. How richly blessed we are to […]

General Assembly cancelled for the first time in centuries

With The General Assembly cancelled for the first time in centuries May will be different this year for the Kirk. However, some things go on! A New Moderator will be installed: Rev Dr Martin Fair has been nominated as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and an online Service of Installation […]