Urgent Appeal from Crossreach

Crossreach is the Social Work arm of the Church of Scotland and provides essential support in different ways, across Scotland. One longstanding element of that is the running of care homes, while another is providing support services to people suffering the challenges of mental health and addiction.

The Covid Crisis is placing huge strain upon Crossreach, in common with most social work agencies. The Board of Crossreach has issued an URGENT EMERGENCY APPEAL FOR VOLUNTEERS AND FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT.

Visit https://www.crossreach.org.uk/support-us/volunteer

to find details of opportunities to volunteer, or or email volunteer.withus@crossreach.org.uk or phone 0131 657 2000.MAKING A FINANCIAL DONATION:
Send a cheque (payable to CrossReach) to: Covid-19 Emergency Appeal, CrossReach. Charis House, 47 Milton Road East, Edinburgh, EH15 2SR
Or you can give by credit / debit card; call 0131 434 4374.
Or you can give by bank transfer: call 0131 454 4374 for our bank details.
Or you can set up a monthly standing order: call 0131 454 4374 for more details.

And please keep praying for the health and well-being of the CrossReach staff team and supporters.