Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

We are deeply saddened on hearing the news of the death of Her…

Service of Union - 25th August at 7pm - Aberlady Parish Church

The Service of Union for Gullane and Aberlady Churches will be…

Jubilee Tree Intimation

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a tree planting initiative…

A message from Rev Jock Stein our new Interim Moderator

The Church of Scotland is very busy at the moment. On April 28th…

Aberlady Plant Sale 14th May

Click here for more details

A Morning for quiet reflection

Details on link

Holy Week Services 2022

All are welcome to join our Holy Week Services in held each day…

Easter Family Fun & Craft Afternoon

Saturday 16th April 2-4pm, Gullane Recreation Hall

60walks in 60days for my 60years

Claire’s Walks in aid of Christian Aid Claire Walker is…