Thy Kingdom Come 2020 Will you pray?
This plea to God, part of The Lord’s Prayer, is familiar to most of us and over recent years it has given name to a worldwide prayer initiative which is supported by all the mainstream Christian denominations, including The Church of Scotland.
The idea is simple. Between ASCENSION [21st May 2020] and PENTECOST [31st May 2020] we are invited and encouraged to pray for the world. Hopefully we do that all the time but this initiative helps to give new purpose and direction to our praying. We are also supplied with a wonderful range of resources, including a Smartphone APP which brings a new video and prayer guide to us each day. The resources include many specifically prepared for children and to be used by whole families together, but no one is excluded.
Please consider preparing NOW so that you can join in Thy Kingdom Come 2020. If you prefer to receive paper resources then you can order these online. There is also a wealth of downloadable material.
Current circumstances prevent us gathering but offer a unique opportunity for united prayer for a better future. PLEASE JOIN US.