Like every congregation of the Church of Scotland, we are entirely dependent upon donations of time, talent and money from those who wish to see the life and work of the Church continue in the village and community. Across the years, many people have given sacrificially and with each new generation we rely upon new folk to take up the mantle.
Regular and faithful giving is very important as it helps the Kirk Session and the Treasurer to make firm plans with confidence that the necessary resources will be in place to meet commitments. Offering your time and your talent is every bit as important as money and we are always glad to hear from folk who might be able to offer such support.
Standing Order
The best and simplest way to make a regular financial donation is by Bank Standing Order. This method reduces administration to a minimum and guarantees an assured and regular flow of income throughout the year. The frequency of standing order payment may be chosen to suit individual need and, as well as monthly, may be quarterly, six-monthly or yearly.
Standing Orders can easily be set up through online banking. Please contact the Treasurer for the Church bank account details.
Alternatively, Mandate Forms are available from the Treasurer. The original Mandate Form is sent to your bank and the Treasurer will give you a copy for your own records.
Please also consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration which increases the value of your donation as we can reclaim the tax from HMRC (see below).
Donation Envelopes
Sets of 52 Freewill Offering Envelopes (FWO), pre-printed with each Sunday’s date, enable donors to set aside a weekly amount whether they are able to attend church regularly or not. Some donors prefer to pay by cheque, and the Treasurer will be pleased to accept these at any time. If you would like to use FWO envelopes, please ask your elder or the Treasurer.
Quarterly Donation Envelopes are delivered by Elders to those who have requested them,usually a few weeks before Communion. These can be used at any time, but most members using this system return the sealed envelope to the church or their Elder who passes it onto the Treasurer. It is hoped that you will consider completing the Gift Aid box on the front which will allow the church to reclaim this from HMRC, if you are a taxpayer.
Church Envelopes with the Gift Aid logo are always available in the Church and can be used at any time for offerings. Please complete your name and address if you with the Church to claim Gift Aid on your donation. If you would like to use FWO envelopes, please ask your elder or the Treasurer.
Cash and cheque donations
Finally, cash donations may be placed in the collection plate on Sundays, but please remember that unidentified cash donations, always appreciated, can now qualify for tax reclaim.
Some donors prefer to pay by cheque, and the Treasurer will be pleased to accept these at any time. Again, please consider completing the Gift Aid Declaration Form when donating.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid Declaration forms are available from the Treasurer. “Signing up” increases your donation to the Church at no cost to yourself. By completing the Gift Aid Declaration on the envelope or a Gift Aid Declaration Form, you enable the Church to claim Gift Aid (25p for every £1) on your donation if you are a taxpayer.
‘Gift Aid’ donations form the major part of our income, and the total tax reclaims each year makes a significant contribution to the financial well-being of our Church. Please consider this and contact the Treasurer to request a Gift Aid Declaration Form.
Thank you
To all members, friends and visitors, thank you for your donations and completed Gift Aid Forms. All donations to the Church are treated with the utmost confidentiality. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask for a phone call or a visit from the Treasurer.