Reflection, Bible Readings and Prayers for 2nd August 2020
Available now. See relevant page under the main menu.

A Reflection for Sunday 7th June 2020
Go to the Reflections and Prayers section of the Main Menu to…

Worship on Pentecost Sunday 31st May 2020
On Sunday 31 May, between 10.00 -10.30am, The Church Moderator, Dr Martin Fair, will lead a service to mark the birthday of the Christian Church,

Daily Hope free telephone access to worship and prayers
Do you know someone who has no access to the internet but…

A Reflection for Sunday 7th June 2020
Go to the Reflections and Prayers section of the Main Menu to…

God's Wonderful World
When Dorothy and I took our daily exercise on Sunday 10th I remembered,…

Easter Reflection 2020
You must sit down, says Love, and taste my meat