Entries by agpcmin

Worship for Sunday 23rd August 2020

Go to the Prayers and Reflections page of this site accessible from the Main Menu on the Home Page or by using the link below. Prayers and Reflections for Sundays in Covid Lockdown  

A Podcast series about creative arts and spirituality

Christian Creatives Podcast: Art with Morvern Robertson You can also listen to the podcast on spotify and apple music: https://open.spotify.com/episode/40EZcdJC636eQo6AruOKn2 Blog activity: https://www.sanctuaryfirst.org.uk/…/christian-creatives-mus…

Sanctuary First

Since lockdown I have found much to refresh my spirit and stimulate my thinking at https://www.facebook.com/SanctuaryFirst https://www.sanctuaryfirst.org.uk/ Take 5 minutes to browse. It’s well worth it.